3D Printing Software
- prepares an existing model for the machine
- slices the model for Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) using Gcode
- sends machine code (Gcode) to the 3d printing machine(s) via USB or network

A selection of slicers (2020):
- Ultimaker Cura ★★★★☆ (GUI, Open Source): reliable, fast slicing, complex GUI, supports STL, 3MF (no AMF), manual multi-material, cloud printing only via Octoprint or Ultimaker printers
- PrusaSlicer ★★★☆☆ (GUI, Open Source): reasonable fast, modern GUI, supports STL, AMF and 3MF, automatic multi-material via AMF, no cloud printing
- Slic3r ★★☆☆☆ (GUI, Open Source): slow, outdated GUI
- Repetier-Host ★★☆☆☆ (GUI, Open Source): outdated GUI, multiple slicers support (Cura Legacy, Slic3r, Slic3r PE)
- Pronterface/Printrun ★★☆☆☆ (GUI, Open Source): outdated GUI, uses Slic3r
- IdeaMaker (GUI, Closed Source): modern/responsive GUI
- KISSlicer (GUI, Free & Non-Free/Paid): lightweight UI, no AMF, no 3MF
- Simplify3D (GUI, Non-Free/Paid): intuitive GUI
and lesser known slicers:
- Mandoline Py (linking my fork), open-source compact Python-based slicer, STL to G-code
- IceSL, feature-rich but closed source (academic environment)
- IceSL-forge: modeling with Lua-based scripting language that allows to describe boolean combinations of shapes such as triangle meshes, voxels, implicit surfaces, shaders
- IceSL-forge: slices STL or “geometry script” as composed with IceSL-forge
Print3r: Command Line 3D Printing

I used Ultimaker Cura and other slicers with graphical user interfaces (GUI) but I realized how slow I am and how limited it was, so I began to code an additional layer of software called Print3r:
- strict command line usage, utilizing command line interface with history
- log all successful printings in a JSON file for statistics
- support multiple slicers:
- Slic3r, Slic3r-PE, PrusaSlicer
- Cura 3, 4 and Cura Legacy
- making common slicing settings slicer independent
- preview Gcode with a graphical previewer
- support of STL, OBJ, AMF, 3MF, 3MJ formats slicer independent
- support of direct model printing: OpenSCAD (.scad) and ScriptCAD (.sccad)
- built-in networked (cloud) 3D printing with existing
UNIX tools, to route data via network meant for USB serial interface- multiple printhubs (any small scale Linux computer)
- each printhub having multiple USB connected 3D printers
% print3r --printer=ashtar-k-1 --scad print 'cube(20)' % print3r --device=tcp:printhub:0 --printer=ashtar-k-2 print cube.scad % print3r --device=/dev/ttyUSB2 --printer=ashtar-c-1 print cube.stl
See the dedicated Print3r page on this site with more details.