Welcome to XYZdims.com – a site focused on the integration of 3D-modeling, 3D-printing software & hardware:
3D Modeling
- 3D Modeling Basics
- 3D Modeling Software: overview of 3D modelers
- ScriptCAD.org: JavaScript-based modeling in the browser
- Discrete OpenSCAD: OpenSCAD extension
- Miscellaneous:
- FreeCAD2Any, convert FCstd, IGES, STEP, BREP to common 3d formats (STL, OBJ, OFF, AMF, 3MF, 3MJ etc)
3D Printing Software
- 3D Printing Basics
- 3D Printing Software: overview of slicers and GUIs
- Print3r: command-line interface supporting multiple slicers, networked 3D printers
- Universal Slicing, describing & naming planar & non-planar slicing
- MetatronSlicer (in-house/unreleased): Class 1 Universal Slicer
- EnochSlicer (in-house/unreleased): Class 1 & partial Class 2 Universal Slicer
- LabSlicer, Vox3lSlicer, VoxGLSlicer, in-house slicers
- Virtual G-code Controller (vgcodectl), changing G-code in transit
- Slicer4RTN: command line conic slicer for Rotating Tilted Nozzle (RTN)
- Slicing with Non-Planar Geometries, research overview
- Non-Planar Slicing with Planar Slicer, research overview
- Sub-Volume Segmenting & (Non-)Planar Slicing, mixing different slicing methods
- Miscellaneous:
- Cura CLI Wrapper (cura-slicer), simple wrapper, easy to query settings
- Kiri:Moto CLI Slicer (kirimoto-slicer), simple wrapper, easy to query settings
- Mandoline Py slicer (mandoline), forked and extended experimental Python-based slicer
- YAGV (Yet Another G-code Viewer): supporting non-planar layers, and misc improvements
- Gcode FIle Preview (Gcode2PNG)
- 3D Printing Materials
- RepRap Principle, self-replicating machines
- RepRap.org Blog Archive: treasure of knowledge of early time of RepRap movement
- RepRap Magazine Archive: small archive of 3 issues
- Social Media: who to follow to learn more
- 3D Printing Software: overview of slicers and GUIs
3D Printing Hardware
- 3D Printers Overview
- Ashtar K (Prusa i3): parametric 2020 alu extrusion Prusa-i3 design
- Ashtar C (Core XY): parametric 2020 alu extrusion CoreXY design
- Ashtar M (Prusa i3 MG) – Draft: 2020 alu extrusion Prusa-i3 Moving Gantry design
- Ashtar D (Classic XY) – Draft: 2020 alu extrusion Classic XY design
- Ashtar B (Cantilever) – Draft: 2020 alu extrusion Cantilever design
- Ashtar MG MIEX (Multi Gantry, Multi Extruders) – Draft
- Parts & Options:
- Parametric Part Cooler, preliminary info with applications
- Simple Compact Extruder, optionally also usable as Direct Drive
- Diamond Hotend (3-in-1 mixing): posts on part coolers
- Cyclops NF 2-in-1 (non-mixing): model & part cooler
- Dual Micro Swiss Hotends, mount & part cooler
- Triple Micro Swiss Hotends, mount & part cooler
- Independent Dual Extrusion (IDEX) – Draft
- Multiple Switching Extrusions (MSE) – Draft
- Rotating Tilted Nozzle / 4 Axis Printhead (RTN) – Draft
- Penta Axis / 5 Axis Printhead (PAX) – Draft
- Misc Hardware Notes (div. boards, microcontrollers, SBCs)
- Parametric Enclosure (coming soon)
- Third Party:
- MSLA Resin Printers:
- Anycubic Photon Mono 4K (2022/11)
- Anycubic Photon Mono X2 (2023/03)
- Anycubic Photon Mono X 6Ks (2023/11)
- MSLA Resin Printers:
- 3D Printer History (1980-2024)
If you are new to 3D-printing, you may read the top-level pages on 3D-modeling, 3D-printing and 3D-printers, before you dive deeper into the details and my approaches and extensions on these stages.
That’s it.