2024/12/04: completing first table on printheads & nozzles
2024/07/30: starting write up
When depositing material through a nozzle, the variables to compose a workpiece depends on the amount of nozzles and their operational spaces – let’s lay out the different methods which gives us the foundation to tackle then parallel procedures in the next part in the series.
Printheads, Nozzles & Operational Space
Nozzles per Printhead
Nozzle Size [mm]
Layer Height [mm]
Operational Space
Single nozzle FDM/FFF
Polymer (PLA, PETG, ABS)
Dual nozzle FDM/FFF aka IDEX
Polymer (PLA, PETG, ABS)
2x 50%; horizontally separated
Duplex F2
Polymer (PLA, PETG, ABS)
2x 50%; vertical separated
CM3P Dual Conical
Polymer (PLA, PETG, ABS)
2x 50% of negative cone
Resin SLA (UV Laser)
Resin MSLA (UV & LCD)
Quantica NovoJet
Stratasys J55 PolyJet
Selective Laser Sintering/Melting
Polymer or Metal Powder
Stratasys J55: nozzles & nozzle size based on J850 specs, J55 details specs seem not publicized (2024/12)
Print Base
A print base is where the nozzle can extrude on. For the first layer, there is the print bed, after the first layer the workpiece or support structure can be build upon. One can alternatively use a stabilizing medium like silicon and extrude in such liquid medium which operates as bed or foundation like Rapid Liquid Printing (RLP) does:
Extruding into supporting materialExtruding into supporting material
The extruded material just has to stay where it was put, either a solid bed or a medium which prevents it to float out of position, or as traditionally printed on a print bed or base, very similar does Xolography where the solidified resin stays put as well.
Massive Parallel Nozzles Printhead
Resin printing with a printhead may have hundreds or even thousands of nozzles, yet, they share the same operational space, but due the parallel setup the print speed multiplies direct with the amount of parallel nozzles on the same printhead.
As mentioned above, we can also view Masked Stereolithography (MSLA) resin printing as a massive parallel nozzle setup, where each pixel is either an active or inactive nozzle depositing a voxel.
Anycubic Mono M7 Max MSLA Setup
Separated vs Shared Operational Space
Disclosure: I have been contracted to work on the Duplex F2 software stack (2022-2024).
Let’s take a look at the Duplex F2 printer where space is separated vertically, or the CM3P dual conical printer where the cone space is separated horizontally, or the Multi Gantry 3D printer by Proper Printing (Jon Schone). We have two printheads which never collide due their separated operational space, the firmware is simple and path planning is simple, both heads pretty much can operate independently.
When using more than two printheads it is beneficial to share the operational space, yet assume 6 or 8 printheads, each printhead needs rods to keep the printhead and position and orient the nozzle(s), so overlapping operational space requires extreme well planned tool paths avoiding any collision of the printheads.
Regular Operation Space Separation
We can segment or separate the space evenly or according the reach of the printheads, and each separated space can be printed without colliding. Yet, in reality the printheads mounts limit that operational space into slightly smaller spaces, but ideally:
nvolumes = volumetotal / volumeprinthead
If the individual printhead volumes aren’t regular, then we end up with arbitrary amount of printheads to cover a given print volume:
volumetotal = sum( volume1..n )
In reality, we require (slightly) overlapping operation to get seamless operation, so the “regular operation space separation” is only theoretically, but not practically.
Overlapping Operational Spaces
When the printheads can reach each other operational space, they become overlapping and controlling tool path generation needs to take care no collision is occurring (same place at the same time).
The Static Non-Overlapping Operation has static defined operational spaces where the operators can function – it’s quite obvious such solution is impractical, as in real life there would be space which cannot be reached, a kind of blind seam not reachable by either operator.
The Flexible Non-Overlapping Operation is flexible defined operational spaces, in the illustration above those spaces are co-dependent.
The Static Overlapping Operation is when those operational spaces are overlapping, yet, prefixed or static operational spaces.
The Flexible Overlapping Operation is flexible operational spaces, yet due the nature of the setup these operators cannot occupy the same space at the same time which would result in physical collisions.
Now, the last part of the last sentence may sound obvious to even mention, but bear in mind you can have two projectors shining light into a resin bath, and expose and solidify a 3D model, then these two lights acting as operators indeed occupy the same space at the same time as part of their function. So, the operators functioning with light can occupy the same space at the same time, whereas solid operators, such as robotic arms, cannot.
whereas parallelfactor is 1.0 if printheads can print parallel, or is less if the operational space is overlapping and preventing printheads to operate parallel thereby.
~ * ~
“Parallel 3D Printing / Additive Manufacturing” Part 2 follows later (will be linked when published)
Formnext 2022 was a 4 days Additive Manufacturing (AM) event in Frankfurt (Germany) November 15-18 2022, and it had ~750 exhibitors, two huge halls numbered 11 and 12 each with two floors. I attended the 4 days and it was pretty overwhelming. I try to give an overview, for myself to process what I saw, and perhaps for you who couldn’t attend.
E3D Online
E3D is an old timer among 3D printing enthusiasts, so I start with their booth:
Revo nozzlesTheir nozzles integrated into various printheads of known desktop FDM printersBCN, Ultimaker and Blackbelt hotends setup manufactured by E3D
I was surprised to get to know E3D manufactures for UltiMaker their CC printcore.
Duet3D is a small UK-based company, but very influential due their excellent and often praised customer support and support forum aside of their slowly expanding board selection:
I met Tony Lock, and we discussed current state of multi-axis support in Duet/RepRapFirmware, and he showed me the Open5X by Freddie Hong printing non-planar as crafted by FullControl.xyz
White parts sliced by Prusa Slicer, the black parts constructed with FullControl.xyz
I briefly pitched my new tool VirtualGcodeController (vgcodectl) which sits between printing program and the device, and able to change G-code on the fly, transparently bi-directional – as I was told Duet has an alike infrastructure called Duet Software Framework (DSF) which I wasn’t aware of.
Also check this brief interview by Mihai Design:
At german-based Multec booth I saw a multi-printhead setup with a rotating seal to prevent the inactive printheads leak filament – and a precise mechanism to lift the inactive printheads (patented):
Dutch-based company providing infrastructure to mix and extrude your own filament, not just for mixing different colors, but also different materials and achieve custom material properties – the only downside is the price-tag of those desktop filament extruders starting at 10K EUR – which is too high for its functionality for prosumers, and seems to aim for R&D departments of larger companies.
3devo: wide-range of pellets to mix from to extrude your own filament
Commercial Slicers
As I have been entering slicing development more seriously, and closely paid attention to possible competitors or collaborators – and interestingly, the majority responded positively when I approached them:
A small danish company, who recently patented interlocking (Z-offsetted layers) printing patterns.
CreateItREALCreateItREAL: their own microcontroller boards
I had a brief chat with Folmer Gringer Brem about industrial slicer capabilities and customer needs, and what I have researched the past year.
A new french company is providing non-planar 5-axis slicer with a nice GUI, and were open enough to give an actual demo and I was impressed by the responsiveness of the GUI but were tight-lipped to reveal anything about the internals – 5-axis slicer with infill patterns:
FreeD Printing
A small 2 person german company, a spin-off from the university Bochum, also coding 5-axis non-planar slicer, showing a small desktop 6-axis robot to print an overhang model, their own logo, and it has infill – which means, they actually did properly slice 5-axis G-code. They were reluctant to go into the details, as their IP represent their core asset as a company:
AiBuild has a huge booth, lots of advertising, has been very secretive last year as they didn’t want to demo their software without NDA to anyone – but while attending Formnext 2022 I was able to get to talk to people who purchased the software, and all of them have been giving me strange feedback: a sort of underwhelming sensation – the software is costly and not deliver what is advertised: you need to know a lot of slicing in order to use the software – there is nothing “Ai” (Artificial Intelligence) as the company name implies, at least not with their slicing software.
On their booth they had the usual non-planar printed pieces, but none of them had infill, so they all are printed in vase-mode or single wall.
One feature I saw though impressed me, it was the live quality control they implemented, having a nozzle camera and machine learning / AI to determine over- and under-extrusion – something which I would say one should have under control, but perhaps it was to illustrate the detection mechanism.
AiBuild: AiSync live monitoringAiBuild: AiSync live monitoring
Poland-based 5-axis printer manufacturer has progressed in hardware and software, and developed their own 5-axis slicer – the simulation shown as the actual printer prints – overall well designed.
I had a brief chat with Adam Wajda about the state of their hardware/software stack, very open and friendly exchange.
Hungary-based startup with a dual delta setup printing upside and downside at the same time. They were present last year Formnext 2021 already but with an inactive printer, and this time showing the printer in action:
Beside reducing print-time the printer also is able to print pieces which otherwise are hard or impossible print when layer orientation is given and surface quality is of high priority.
The newly merge Ultimaker + MakerBot = UltiMaker had no booth again, hardly any presence – the marketing / sales department seems in hybernation to skip such as event without their own booth, no hardware innovation on display, perhaps there is nothing (new) to show.
I visited the 3dimensional booth and someone showed me how to print “metal” (just steel as it turned out) with BASF metal filament on a Ultimaker S5, and having everything needed in a nice box and then send off to wash & sinter.
Single ceramic layer in between
Snapmaker announced a new machine called Snapmaker Artisan: single head operation, yet changeable heads: FDM head, CNC head, laser head – very sturdy desktop machine, using linear motors:
Bleeding edge high temperature resisting materials, and to show the applications they built a most precise FDM printer I have seen so far – Chiara Mascolo briefly showed me the machine and samples:
NematxNematx: Nema HSP massive granite base and granite XZ beam with linear motors: pricey 100K EUR machine, but the best of the bestVery small and precise pieces like from moldsVery small and precise samplesNema HSB Filament: +/- 0.01mm diameter tolerance, withstands > 230C°
Massive SLA and SLS machines shown:
Well designed booth of Nexa3DNexa3D SLA Dyed SLA printed piecesNexa3D: SLSNexa3D: QLS 850 SLSLarge scale GUI . . .
The Formlabs booth was well visited, and it was hard to take photos until the last day of the expo – so just a brief video of the Form 3+ printing below:
Formlabs Fuse 1+ (SLS)
German-based startup printing with 7 different light curable materials at the same time, drop size / resolution at 60um with the NovoJet C-7 – quite impressive, with the ability to blend drops or let them cure side-by-side giving new possibilities of material gradients in 3D space:
They also provide a station for fluid testing & development, so you can engineer your own material to print with. Even though this was a small both it was for me from a technical point of view most innovative I have seen so far.
As I was looking at resin printheads, I was approaching Global Inkjet Systems (GIS) – a subdivision of Nanodimension:
Fabrica 2.0: impressive 2um resolution, but as consequence 1mm height / hr print speed, SLA/DLP
Admaflex 300: 35-88um XY resolution, 10-200um layer height, up to 60mm/hr height print speed, resin combined with ceramic/metal printing
A massive industrial resin jetting 3D printer, build-volume at 500 x 250 x 200 mm printing with wax as support material. It is a closed-loop system, it prints, cures and measures the actual layers and adjusts live for the next layer – achieving 100um precision, yet only for industrial application due the cost of 1M USD per machine.
They developed their own packing algorithm in order to achieve high density packing ratio.
Italian-based “Betron Genesi” 4000 x 1900 x 1300mm build volume along with high volume extrusion (~20mm nozzle, layer height ~4-5mm based on my own photos) having excellent extrusion precision, along their real time temperature control:
Additionally is is a hybrid able to run also CNC milling on the same machine for post-processing.
Phaetus & DropEffect
Visited Phaetus expecting to just meet sales people instead I ran into Maximilian Arnold, owner of DropEffect which designs hotends under his own brand but also for chinese-based Phaetus as R&D director. I showed him photos of my early prototype of a Multi-In Mixing Hotend supposed to be printed in Aluminium and he immediately commented on my design and gave me useful input – unexpected interesting and fruitful exchange.
A brief interview with Max conducted by MihaiDesigns:
France-based company combining FDM and CNC together:
Namma: 1000x500x500 build volume
What you achieve with this is incredible precise plastic pieces at 20um precision, while maintaining 500 x 500 x 500mm respectively 1000 x 500 x 500mm build-volume. They are milling with a round drill bit – CNC toolpath is calculated by Autodesk’s Fusion 360 though.
Turkish-based company wire arc welding with 6-axis robot:
Bloom Robotics
Massive ABB 6-axis robot FDM printing on a rotating 2-axis bed . . . with shiny cyan/pink/violet lights, a bit of an overkill with the lights, but the setup was impressive:
Picco’s 3D World: CF1200Recycling Fabrik: making a business by recycling failed printsCogitCogitCogit: live temperature scanBigRepDMG MORIDMG MORI: Lasertec 65 DED hybridRapidiaRapidiaRapidiaAerosintAerosintAerosintInssTek: NARAEInssTek: NARAEInssTek: NARAESlice EngineeringBE-AMBE-AMHIWINHIWIN: Linear RailsHIWIN: Harmonic GearsAnima / ZRapid TechAnima / ZRapid TechCrealityCrealityeSUNXYZprintingXYZprintingMassivIT 3DZotraxSinteritSintratecCubicureEOSVisitecWASP Pellet DeltaWASP Pellet DeltaWASP Pellet DeltaConstructions 3DConstructions 3D: concrete PiMagforms SLAMagforms SLADotXControl 5-axis SlicerPhotocentricPhotocentric: Titan, massive resin printerPhotocentricPhotocentric: massive resin bedCms: Massive 3D FDM Printer
It has been overwhelming expo for me, 4 days in noisy halls, constant audible and visual stimuli grown tiresome for me as I was eager to absorb all; I can say I looked at every single booth, and decided within few seconds if something caught my attention, and I knew to lookout for things I did not know or a company I did not recognize – for new companies in the arena of Additive Manufacturing. It took me a single day to roam both floors of a single hall, so at least it takes 2 days to explore two halls of the expo – and if you happen to explore a booth for more than a few mins, you end up with 3-4 days attending easily.
So, the overall impression of mine has been:
3D printing / Additive Manufacturing (AM) specializes into niches more and more
resins printed as drops at high resolution & precision
paste-like materials get printed in high extrusion quality
metal printing showing incredible wide-variety in regards of materials
industrial machines are still pricey but seem to me become more affordable, instead of 10M’s they are becoming 100K – 1M while maintaining same functionality
multi-axis FDM with robots become more established to print large scale parts
in-process/live quality control and logging/documentation for FDM and powder-based processes
many startups still coming up with new or refined existing processes
gap between prosumer and affordable industrial machines is closing
quite open atmosphere, people are willing to share and discuss their technology, collaboration seems more important than eyeing on each as competitors
My first Formnext in 2019 I realized there was no way to explore the expo in 1 day only, so I reserved for Formnext 2021 (Frankfurt, Germany) 4 days fully (November 16-19). Although the expo was smaller than in 2019, it was still massive to explore. I’m not even sure I saw all of the 600+ exhibitors despite roaming the two halls (12.0 ground floor, 12.1 first floor and 11.0 ground floor only) multiple times.
Inhouse Developments: ZPlusSlicer & 5DMaker
I presented my inhouse developments of ZPlusSlicer and 5DMaker for the first time in public (otherwise just illustrated in About: Big Picture), as of November 2021, it’s not yet published or otherwise documented.
“Overhang stairs” printed without support with ZPlusSlicer & 5DMaker
Formnext 2021 giveaway samples: “overhang stairs”, printed without support, with ZPlusSlicer & 5DMaker
“Overhang stairs” sample prints with labels
About 40+ samples I handed out and alike amount some brief documentation (on paper) on ZPlusSlicer and 5DMaker (5MF processor) – both in early stage of development, and the “overhang stairs” a proof-of-concept of the benefit of both new conceptual layers on top of traditional slicing. By spring 2022 I will publish more publicly on both products once they matured to Beta stage.
Ultimaker: they didn’t have any booth, yet their machines were placed at many booths, resellers kind of represented them – combination of dominance and absence
Makerbot wasn’t there
Markforged considers itself as startup but outsiders consider them as big player already – impressive integration of machine, material and slicer, yet, all closed down; hard(er) to integrate with 3rd party software
nScrypt micro-dispensing on cylindrical or spherical surfaces, PCB 3d printing and pick-place SMD components:
nScrypt samples
nScrypt: micro-dispensing on surface
Krause DiMaTec showed its EDDY 3D printer, slow Z axis, but quite affordable at ~8K EUR for the machine with 600 x 600 x 600mm build-volume, and the 3D metal printed hotend was quite an eye-catcher:
Krause: EDDY 3D printer
Krause: EDDY 3D printer
Krause: EDDY, 3D metal printed hotend
Duplex3D printer: two nozzles starting to print on upper & lower side of the build plate, once reached some distance, the plate is removed (!!) and 3D prints continues in both Z directions (the front glass is very glaring so not many details, also the representatives didn’t want to me to take too close photos):
Duplex 3d printer: prints in both Z directions with 2 nozzles (middle to up, and middle to bottom)
Duplex 3d printer: prints in both Z directions with 2 nozzles (middle to up, and middle to bottom)
Duplex 3d printer: prints in both Z directions with 2 nozzles (middle to up, and middle to bottom)
Prusa Research released its Prusa XL – a Core XY based printer, I took a few photos with a lot of small innovations:
360 x 360 x 360 mm build volume
mechanical pressure-based Z calibration built into the printhead (nozzle probes mechanical on the build plate)
segmented heating of build plate, heat there where the part is located
Kimya: materials too, great (paper) catalogue with detailed information on how to print their filaments and use-cases
Formnext 2021 Impressions
Craftbot Machines & Slicer
Print&Go GUI
Intamsys & Evonik
Metrotom 3D Printer
3DGence Element
Prusa Research
Prusa Research
3D printed Groot
Prusa Research
Massivit 3D: curing 3d printed gel
Massivit 3D: multiple cams
Polymaker colors
More Polymaker colors
6 Axis FDM
Massive print
Formnext 2021
Raise3D IdeaMaker
Harz Labs
TreeDFilaments: 55 Materials
Total Z
APS tech solutions & Wizard 480+
Wizard 480+ samples
Wizard 480+
Dyze Design
Dyze Design: Typhoon Hotend
Bigrep Pro
Bigrep Pro
3D Systems
AIM3D: Post processing
AIM3D: post processing
Polymaker materials
Modix DIY kit
Modix DIY kit
Additive Laser Technology / alt-print.com
Novum & VTT
Markforged: Continuous Carbon and Glass Fiber
Markforged: Continuous Carbon Fiber
AM Solutions
DMG Mori
AMG Mori: Lasertec 65 3D Hybrid
DMG Mori: Lasertec 65 GUI
DMG Mori Lasertec 65 swappable tools
nToplogy GUI
Creality CR30
Creality CR30
WASP: huge nozzle
WASP: huge nozzle
WASP: printing clay
WASP: printing clay
Renishaw: delta-based multi-head calibrator
Renishaw: delta-based multi-head calibrator
Aon3D printhead
Aon3D print with support
TU Berlin: Prusa Mendel enclosed, certified for schools
TU Berlin: Prusa Mendel enclosed, certified for schools, ventilation
Prusa Resarch: robot dog (remote controlled)
Arburg Freeformer 300-3X
Arburg Freeformer GUI
Arburg Freeformer GUI
Yizumi / SpaceA
eMotion Tech: Strateo
Chromatic: liquid deposition
Pollen: delta printers
Pollen: delta printer, moving bed, steady nozzle
3D printed concrete
3D printed concrete
3D printed metal
3D printed concrete
BASF materials
BASF materials
iFactory3D: belt printers made in Germany (photo by iFactory3D)
Essentium HSE 240 HT
Essentium HSE 240 HT GUI
People vs Companies
Although all the companies appear quite anonymous, if you spend more than just a few minutes, and are able to talk to some technical skilled people – aside of the sales representative – you will notice “normal” people with the same passion like you and me: 3D printing enthusiasts, who turned their hobby into a professional passion, either as a startup or joining a bigger company to explore 3D printing further.
The most worthwhile and interesting interactions were the ones I had with little business aim but technical exchange on new slicing methods and algorithms, new G-code extensions or pre-/post-processing, and new hardware designs in particular 4-axis approaches by different individuals and companies based on my slicing software and hardware designs they found via my YouTube videos – which was quite a revelation for me.
Covid & Expo
As of November 2021, Covid-19 isn’t over but I was glad to explore Formnext 2021 in person, a “2G event”, means, either one had to be vaccinated or recovered from Covid. The first days most people worn masks, by each day less and less – me included, as it was hard to talk with the mask on and hear each other properly even standing close to each other due the overall noise level in the halls.
Certainly the overall mood was great among the exhibitors and visitors as well – professional interest, respectful cordial interactions – less noisy than in 2019 which was more hectic due more visitors overall. Tuesday (1st day) and Friday (last day) had less visitors, whereas Wednesday and Thursday was quite overwhelming and significant more visitors.
At last, some impressions of Frankfurt (Germany) itself . . .
“Hammering Man” (animated) with small sign for Formnext 2021
Alte Oper Frankfurt (Old Opera)
Skyscrapers of Frankfurt
Deutsche Bank, impressive building & architecture
Tower 185 in Frankfurt
Lightsculpture by Christian Herdeg – “Synergie / Synergy”, Platz der Einheit, Frankfurt