Tag Archives: JavaScript

3D Printing: Kiri:Moto CLI Slicer


  • 2021/09/27: -l <conf> to load configurations (experimental)
  • 2021/08/27: software released on github
  • 2021/08/09: KiriMotoSlicer 0.0.4: -h <term> to query settings, setting extruder.0.*
  • 2021/08/08: KiriMotoSlicer 0.0.2: usage output (help), preliminary integration into Print3r framework
  • 2021/08/02: starting write-up


Kiri:Moto is a browser-based slicer, which can be also installed locally using NodeJS. Stewart Allen developed it and even provides a command-line interface (CLI) example as well src/kiri/cli.js. I extended it further into kirimoto-slicer so I could use it in conjunction of Print3r.


  • Node 13 or later (use nvm to switch quickly between different versions)
  • UNIX platform (Linux, etc)


git clone https://github.com/Spiritdude/KiriMotoSlicer


make requirements
sudo make install 

requirements clones original grid-apps (Kiri:Moto) whereas install installs KiriMotoSlicer (kirimoto-slicer) executable system-wide.


KiriMotoSlicer 0.0.4 USAGE: [<options>] [file] ...
      --help                        this usage help
      --help=<term>                 show settings matching <term>
      -h <term>                        "       "
      --version                     display version and exit
      --verbose                     increase verbosity
      -v or -vvv                       "       "
      --output=<fn>                 force output filename
      -o <fn>                          "       "
      --load=<conf>                 load configuration (lines of <k>=<v>, or experimental JSON as grid-apps/src/dev/*)
      -l <conf>                              "                "                      "
      --setTemperature=<s>          include set temperature extruder & bed in gcodePre (default: true)
      --bedOrigin=<x>,<y>           set origin of bed (use with --outputOriginCenter=true) (default: [0,0])

   slice configuration:
      --processName=<v>             set process name (default: "generic")
      --sliceHeight=<v>             set slice height (default: 0.25)
      --sliceShells=<v>             set slice shells (default: 3)
      --sliceShellOrder=<v>         set slice shell order ["in-out","out-in"] (default: "in-out")
      --sliceLayerStart=<v>         set slice layer start ["last","center","origin"] (default: "last")
      --sliceFillAngle=<v>          set slice fill angle (default: 45)
      --sliceFillOverlap=<v>        set slice fill overlap (default: 0.3)
      --sliceFillSparse=<v>         set slice fill sparse (default: 0.2)
      --sliceFillType=<v>           set slice fill type ["vase","hex","grid","gyroid","triangle","linear","bubbles"] (default: "gyroid")  
      --sliceAdaptive=<v>           set slice adaptive (default: false)
      --sliceMinHeight=<v>          set slice min height (default: 0)
      --sliceSupportDensity=<v>     set slice support density (default: 0.25)
      --sliceSupportOffset=<v>      set slice support offset (default: 0.4)
      --sliceSupportGap=<v>         set slice support gap (default: 1)
      --sliceSupportSize=<v>        set slice support size (default: 6)
      --sliceSupportArea=<v>        set slice support area (default: 1)
      --sliceSupportExtra=<v>       set slice support extra (default: 0)
      --sliceSupportAngle=<v>       set slice support angle (default: 50)
      --sliceSupportNozzle=<v>      set slice support nozzle (default: 0)
      --sliceSolidMinArea=<v>       set slice solid min area (default: 10)
      --sliceSolidLayers=<v>        set slice solid layers (default: 3)
      --sliceBottomLayers=<v>       set slice bottom layers (default: 3)
      --sliceTopLayers=<v>          set slice top layers (default: 3)
      --firstLayerRate=<v>          set first layer rate (default: 10)
      --firstLayerPrintMult=<v>     set first layer print mult (default: 1.15)
      --firstLayerYOffset=<v>       set first layer YOffset (default: 0)
      --firstLayerBrim=<v>          set first layer brim (default: 0)
      --firstLayerBeltLead=<v>      set first layer belt lead (default: 3)
      --sliceSkirtCount=<v>         set slice skirt count (default: 0)
      --sliceSkirtOffset=<v>        set slice skirt offset (default: 2)
      --sliceLineWidth=<v>          set slice line width (default: 0)
      --outputTemp=<v>              set output temp (default: 210)
      --outputBedTemp=<v>           set output bed temp (default: 60)
      --outputFeedrate=<v>          set output feedrate (default: 50)
      --outputFinishrate=<v>        set output finishrate (default: 50)

      --outputSeekrate=<v>          set output seekrate (default: 80)
      --outputShellMult=<v>         set output shell mult (default: 1.25)
      --outputFillMult=<v>          set output fill mult (default: 1.25)
      --outputSparseMult=<v>        set output sparse mult (default: 1.25)
      --outputRetractDist=<v>       set output retract dist (default: 4)
      --outputRetractSpeed=<v>      set output retract speed (default: 30)
      --outputRetractDwell=<v>      set output retract dwell (default: 30)
      --outputShortPoly=<v>         set output short poly (default: 100)
      --outputMinSpeed=<v>          set output min speed (default: 10)
      --outputCoastDist=<v>         set output coast dist (default: 0.1)
      --outputLayerRetract=<v>      set output layer retract (default: true)
      --detectThinWalls=<v>         set detect thin walls (default: true)
      --zHopDistance=<v>            set z hop distance (default: 0)
      --antiBacklash=<v>            set anti backlash (default: 0)
      --outputOriginCenter=<v>      set output origin center (default: false)
      --sliceFillRate=<v>           set slice fill rate (default: 0)
      --sliceSupportEnable=<v>      set slice support enable (default: false)
      --firstSliceHeight=<v>        set first slice height (default: 0.25)
      --firstLayerFillRate=<v>      set first layer fill rate (default: 35)
      --firstLayerLineMult=<v>      set first layer line mult (default: 1)
      --firstLayerNozzleTemp=<v>    set first layer nozzle temp (default: 0)
      --firstLayerBedTemp=<v>       set first layer bed temp (default: 0)
      --firstLayerBrimTrig=<v>      set first layer brim trig (default: 0)
      --outputRaft=<v>              set output raft (default: false)
      --outputRaftSpacing=<v>       set output raft spacing (default: 0.2)
      --outputRetractWipe=<v>       set output retract wipe (default: 0)
      --outputBrimCount=<v>         set output brim count (default: 2)
      --outputBrimOffset=<v>        set output brim offset (default: 2)
      --outputLoopLayers=<v>        set output loop layers (default: null)
      --outputInvertX=<v>           set output invert x (default: false)
      --outputInvertY=<v>           set output invert y (default: false)
      --arcTolerance=<v>            set arc tolerance (default: 0)
      --gcodePause=<v>              set gcode pause (default: "")
      --ranges=<v>                  set ranges (default: [])
      --firstLayerFanSpeed=<v>      set first layer fan speed (default: 0)
      --outputFanSpeed=<v>          set output fan speed (default: 255)

   device configuration:
      --noclone=<v>                 set noclone (default: false)
      --mode=<v>                    set mode ["FDM","SLA","CNC","Laser"] (default: "FDM")
      --internal=<v>                set internal (default: 0)
      --imageURL=<v>                set image URL (default: "")
      --imageScale=<v>              set image scale (default: 0.75)
      --imageAnchor=<v>             set image anchor (default: 0)
      --bedHeight=<v>               set bed height (default: 2.5)
      --bedWidth=<v>                set bed width (default: 220)
      --bedDepth=<v>                set bed depth (default: 220)
      --bedRound=<v>                set bed round (default: false)
      --bedBelt=<v>                 set bed belt (default: false)
      --maxHeight=<v>               set max height (default: 300)
      --originCenter=<v>            set origin center (default: false)
      --extrudeAbs=<v>              set extrude abs (default: true)
      --spindleMax=<v>              set spindle max (default: 0)
      --gcodeFan=<v>                set gcode fan (default: "M106 S{fan_speed}")
      --gcodeTrack=<v>              set gcode track (default: "")
      --gcodeLayer=<v>              set gcode layer (default: ";LAYER:{layer}")
      --gcodePre=<v>                set gcode pre (default: "M107                     ; turn off filament cooling fan\nG90          
            ; set absolute positioning mode\nM82                      ; set absolute positioning for extruder\nM104 S{temp} T{tool} 
    ; set extruder temperature\nM140 S{bed_temp} T{tool} ; set bed temperature\nG28                      ; home axes\nG92 X0 Y0 Z0 E
0          ; reset all axes positions\nG1 X0 Y0 Z0.25 F180      ; move XY to 0,0 and Z 0.25mm over bed\nG92 E0                   ; z
ero the extruded\nM190 S{bed_temp} T{tool} ; wait for bed to reach target temp\nM109 S{temp} T{tool}     ; wait for extruder to reac
h target temp\nG92 E0                   ; zero the extruded\nG1 F225                  ; set feed speed")
      --gcodePost=<v>               set gcode post (default: "M107                     ; turn off filament cooling fan\nM104 S0 T{to
ol}          ; turn off right extruder\nM140 S0 T{tool}          ; turn off bed\nG1 X0 Y300 F1200         ; end move\nM84           
           ; disable stepper motors")
      --gcodeProc=<v>               set gcode proc (default: "")
      --gcodePause=<v>              set gcode pause (default: "")
      --gcodeDwell=<v>              set gcode dwell (default: "")
      --gcodeSpindle=<v>            set gcode spindle (default: "")
      --gcodeChange=<v>             set gcode change (default: "")
      --gcodeFExt=<v>               set gcode FExt (default: "gcode")
      --gcodeSpace=<v>              set gcode space (default: true)
      --gcodeStrip=<v>              set gcode strip (default: false)
      --gcodeLaserOn=<v>            set gcode laser on (default: "")
      --gcodeLaserOff=<v>           set gcode laser off (default: "")
      --extruders.[0..<n-1>].{extFilament,extNozzle,extSelect,extDeselect,extOffsetX,extOffsetY}=<v> set extruders (default: [{"extFilament":1.75,"extNozzle":0.5,"extSelect":["T0"],"extDeselect":[],"extOffsetX":0,"extOffsetY":0}])
      --new=<v>                     set new (default: false)
      --deviceName=<v>              set device name (default: "3D Printer")

      kirimoto-slicer cube.stl
      kirimoto-slicer cube.stl -o test.gcode
      kirimoto-slicer -v cube.stl --sliceHeight=0.1
      kirimoto-slicer cube.stl --extruders.0.extNozzle=0.5 --sliceHeight=0.42
      kirimoto-slicer -h slice
      kirimoto-slicer -h .


Kiri:Moto distincts:

  • shells (aka perimeters, walls)
  • solid fill (like bottom and top layers)
  • sparse fill (aka fill)

As of 2021/08 Kiri:Moto doesn’t distinct support structures on bed or everywhere, so it can only be enabled or disabled with --sliceSupportEnable=true or false.

Smart Help

KiriMotoSlicer supports ~100 settings (as compared to Cura with over 500 settings) which can be queried with --help=<term> or -h <term>:

% kirimoto-slicer -h slice
query settings for 'slice':
      --sliceHeight=<v>             set slice height (default: 0.25)
      --sliceShells=<v>             set slice shells (default: 3)
      --sliceShellOrder=<v>         set slice shell order ["in-out","out-in"] (default: "in-out")
      --sliceLayerStart=<v>         set slice layer start ["last","center","origin"] (default: "last")
      --sliceFillAngle=<v>          set slice fill angle (default: 45)

% kirimoto-slicer -h shell
query settings for 'shell':
      --sliceShells=<v>             set slice shells (default: 3)
      --sliceShellOrder=<v>         set slice shell order ["in-out","out-in"] (default: "in-out")
      --outputShellMult=<v>         set output shell mult (default: 1.25)


xyzHollowCalibrationCubeV2 (allows 0% infill without support) using --sliceFillSparse=0

Visualized with gcode2png.

Fill Types

20mm cube:

Fill type 'vase' and 'bubbles' are listed as available but don’t work yet.


As of 2021/08 I’m quite impressed with Kiri:Moto. It goes different ways than the most other slicers, for example:

  • first layer outline is printed extremely slow
  • first layer filling is printed fast
    • other slicer print first layer outline & filling slow
  • shells/walls are printed inside out with increased speed, other slicers slow down shells/walls
    • the result in my case are very clean walls, as the emphasis is on fast contineous extruding than slow extruding

I also noticed there is little retraction done by default, fast motion to continue filling where other slicers retract & unretract more often.

So, the print with basic forms sliced looks good so far, and with just 100 settings it’s easy to learn and memorize, compared to Cura with over 500 settings.

While I like a new and usable slicer be available, the downside is that JavaScript use was once promising, but as of 2020/2021 it has become a mess as Browser JS and Node JS have diverted immensely, and the entire “Async Hell” has just driven forward with async / await / promise / then non-sense – it is really software development gone wrong for a decade. On the upside, JavaScript makes the slicing engine accessible and easier to extend than with verbose C++ or rudimentary C.

Print3r Support

As of version Print3r 0.3.8 the KiriMotoSlicer is supported, using slicer independent settings (write the profile once, use multiple slicers).

% print3r --printer=ashtar-k-2-pax --random-placement print --slicer=kirimoto xyzHollowCalibrationCubeV2.stl --fill-density=0
== Print3r 0.3.8 == https://github.com/Spiritdude/Print3r
print3r: conf: device /dev/ttyACM0, Ashtar K 38x30x33 PAX #2, build/v 300x300x330mm, nozzle/d 0.4mm, layer/h 0.25mm, filament/d 1.75
print3r: slice (kirimoto) part <xyzHollowCalibrationCubeV2.stl> to gcode: prepare, reposition [145,116], translate 145.0,116.0,0.0, reposition [128,211], slice, done.
print3r: print: 0h 14m elapsed, eta 0h 00m, 100.0% complete, z=20.00mm, layer #80, filament 0.93m


Configurations can be stored line-wise like:

# is a comment
sliceHeight = 0.25
sliceLineWidth = 0.45

and optionally you can load JSON formatted configuration as in grid-apps/src/dev/*

kirimoto-slicer -l my.conf test.stl
kirimoto-slicer -l grid-apps/src/dev/Creality.Ender.3 test.stl


CAD: ScriptCAD.org Prototype (2019/12)

Around February 2019 I bootstrapped a scripted CAD environment named “ScriptCAD”, and resembles closely to OpenSCAD.org and OpenJSCAD.org (which I co-developed for a couple of years) with a new take, developed from scratch:

ScriptCAD.org: ScriptCAD Logo 2019/11
  • Scripting capability using JavaScript
  • Separate internal representation from display representation
    • Triangulation or Implicit representation
    • only triangulate at late stage at display or export
ScriptCAD.org Internal Stages
  • Intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI)
    • Simple export various formats
    • Select top-level solids
    • Source <-> TreeView <-> 3D Model selection
Select Source <-> TreeView Item <-> 3D Model

The transparent Source vs Object Tree vs 3D Space has been in the back of my mind for a long time as I keep the connection of each stage intact and transparent.

  • Ease of use
    • hiding JS module complexity and notions
    • Browser use (either use built-in editor or drag-n-drop source with autoreload)
    • Command Line Interface (CLI) use

Screenshots & Examples

SpiritCAD.org Online as Preview

As of November 2019, ScriptCAD.org is reachable as an early preview (alpha stage), most examples work, some do not yet or display wrong output.

Note: there is only limited documentation yet (2019/11), and the API is subject of changes.

I still tune it to my use-cases and therefore API and overall design of the API might change, even drastically; once the API becomes more stable I will release the source code as well.

Some of use-cases (as seen in the gallery above):

  • coding low-level Gcode and use ScriptCAD to preview (render) Gcode including colors, scriptcad (CLI) outputs .gcode to actually print
    • testing single layer color mixed 3D Printing: forms, color mixing
  • ScriptCAD uses ThreeCSG/csg.js at its core to perform CSG operations, which can be very slow – hence, designing complex pieces can be slow as every change recomputes all again (I like to avoid this in future developments) yet as of 0.3.2 basic caching is implemented so only deltas are recomputed.

Introduction Video

The on-going development I document also. That’s it.



Faces + Edges

Back in 2003 I adapted OpenJsCad framework and extended it and documented it properly so it can be used in an easy way and then handed OpenJSCAD.org over to JS devs, who transformed it into the several NPM packages so it becomes usable for 3rd party packages easier.

I realized I wanted to have CAD with strong script capability with the focus on easy use and leave all the NPM package and JavaScript module conformity aside but refocus on easy and powerful 3D scene language, and so I started 2019/01 again, this time from scratch:

  1. Modeling in JavaScript
  2. Hierarchical Scene (computeScene())
  3. Compute Form
    • computeSolid()
      • computeSolidPolygon(): creates polyhedral approximation of solids
      • computeSolidImplicit(): create code for implicit rendering
  4. Rendering (renderScene())
    • polygon: throw triangles into WebGL space (e.g. with threejs)
    • implicit: render using GL shader
  5. Export
    • polygonal:
      • Browser: .stl, .amf, .obj, .3mf, .3mj
      • CLI: .stl, .amf, .obj, .3mf, .3mj, .png


  • true scripting capability like JavaScript (OpenSCAD’s .scad is a reduced language)
  • keep it simple (no NPM module export or alike complexity)
  • CSG capability (union, intersection, difference)
  • name parts and enumerate parts/id
  • parametrical designs (expose certain variables)
  • extrude 2D polygons to another (not just hull)
  • morph from one solid to another
  • simple fillets and chamfers (reduce sharp edges for real world parts)
  • extensive and detailed documentation
  • 100% API backward compatibility (no depreciation)

Few notes how to achieve those:

  • using three.js and ThreeCSG: reliable and well maintained package somewhat, ThreeCSG seems outdated/abandoned; alternatively using csg.js and/or OpenJSCAD packages as fallback, but hiding all the module handling
  • separate creating scene and rendering scene altogether:
    • polygons or rendering triangles are a stage, but not the core of the CAD, but true solids like a (perfect) sphere
    • use WebGL as one backend among others
    • use implict representations alternatives
  • fillets and chamfers: even those look simple, those are hard(er) to do in polygonal/triangulated stage, but simple to do with implicit representation
    • referencing individual edges (using consistent notion)


Visit ScriptCAD.org

  • Chrome/Chromium provides full functionality
  • Firefox lacks marked source code from 3D space or Tree view


  • 3D Forms: cube(), sphere(), cylinder(), polyhedron()
  • 2D Forms: square(), circle(), polygon(): line, lines, closed/open polygon
  • Operations: linear_extrude(), rotate_extrude(), transform(), scale(), rotate(), hull(), mesh()
  • CSG Operations: union(), difference(), intersection(), exclusive()
  • Import: STL (ASCII/Binary), AMF, OBJ, DXF, SCCAD (ScriptCAD), 3MJ
  • Export: STL (ASCII/Binary), AMF, OBJ, 3MF, SCAD (OpenSCAD), SCCAD (ScriptCAD), 3MJ, Gcode, PNG (CLI only)
  • Browser Support: Chrome (fully functional), Firefox (source select missing)


  • 2019/12/27: 0.3.3: experimental export of SCAD (OpenSCAD), 3MF, and SVG (only 2D) added:
  • 2019/12/05: 0.3.0: ScriptCAD.org Reference online, for now hosted on this site
  • 2019/11/25: 0.2.5: ScriptCAD.org launched as preview and a limited ScriptCAD Reference
  • 2019/11/05: 0.2.3: various features implemented, e.g. exclusive(), 3MJ import and export support added.
  • 2019/03/04: 0.1.5: more drawing models, selectable windows, more examples:

Brief overview of features of 0.1.5:

  • 2019/01/18: select Source -> TreeView -> 3D Scene or any stage and respective part is highlighted


I used ScriptCAD to generate paths with certain colors, and visualize it within ScriptCAD Web-GUI, and on the command-line the same code generated actual Gcode for one of my 3D printers, Ashtar K#2 equipped with Diamond Hotend 3-in-1 (mixing colors) – it allowed me to control every detail, something an ordinate slicer would not have provided:

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