A small 3d printable Orange Pi Zero case with 3 cover variants:
- closed
- pins exposed
- grill
A small 3d printable Orange Pi Zero case with 3 cover variants:
LOLIN32 Lite (ESP32) with OLED 128×64 SSD1306 Combo (layered) case.
OLED SCK - ESP32 GPIO 4 / R10 (pin-to-pin) OLED SDA - ESP32 GPIO 0 / R11 (pin-to-pin) OLED GND - ESP32 GND (wire) OLED VDD - ESP32 3.3V (wire)
STL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2853161
Simple case for TTGO T1 (ESP32), reset button built-in, and the 3 LED’s light are tunneled to the cover surface.
STL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2853192
Three versions of Wemos D1 with 128×64 OLED:
OLED 128×64 with SSD1306 controller built on the same PCB with Wemos D1 Mini usually named “ESP12F OLED” at Aliexpress.
STL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2853146
Using Wemos D1 Mini and put OLED 128×64 SSD1306 on-top/bottom of it, keeps it same width and height but a bit thicker.
OLED GND - Wemos D1 Mini GND (pin-to-pin) OLED VDD - Wemos D1 Mini D4 (pin-to-pin) OLED SCK - Wemos D1 Mini D3 (pin-to-pin) OLED SDA - Wemos D1 Mini D2 (pin-to-pin)
STL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2853148
Using Wemos D1 Mini and put OLED 128×64 SSD1306 side-by-side (SBS) with hot glue, is a bit cheaper than the “same-PCB” version.
OLED GND - Wemos D1 Mini GND (wire) OLED VDD - Wemos D1 Mini 5V (wire) OLED SCK - Wemos D1 Mini D2 (wire) OLED SDA - Wemos D1 Mini D1 (wire)
STL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2853149
I’ve got the 3D printer mainly as I wanted to design and print some cases for the small programmable devices based on ESP8266 and ESP32 I started to develop for:
STL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2846772
See-through of the GPIO22 LED:
Also a small case for the Wemos D1 Mini to print yourself:
STL: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2847539
See-through LED blinking: